July 02, 2018 | Uncategorized

Recent ACE Fix May Cause More Entry Rejections

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By: Matthew L. Zehner – Vice President, Surety Information & Analysis

For some time ACE was not properly matching the entry filed by the customs broker to the eSTB. It was only matching on 4 of the 5 data elements (not matching entry type). The entry should match exactly to the information filed on the bond using these five data elements:

  • Importer Number
  • Entry Number
  • Surety Code
  • Bond Amount
  • Entry Type


On June 27, CBP implemented the fix for this, which may lead to you experiencing a higher number of errors when you file your entries. The typical example we found most often occurs when the bond is for entry type “01” and the entry’s entry type code is “11” (and vice versa).

Should you experience an error when trying to file an entry against an eSTB, reconfirm that all five elements match for both the eSTB and the entry. It could very likely be the entry types are not the same. If the entry needs updating, you can resolve the problem by correcting it in your ABI software and refiling the entry. If the bond needs changing to allow for a successful match, the existing eSTB must be voided in ACE and a new eSTB created before you can retransmit your entry.

Roanoke’s FastBond is capable of sending a void to ACE on an eSTB as long as the bond/entry match has not occurred. Our Bond Service Team is here to assist with any bond corrections needed; please reach out to us at 1.800.ROANOKE (800.762.6653) for assistance.

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Roanoke is the leading provider of insurance and surety solutions for transportation and logistics providers. In fact, we are recognized as the most reliable source for U.S. customs bonds.


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